Monday 13 May 2013

Corkboard DIY

Hey guys,So today's post is about this cork board i made(kinda).So recently I really wanted like a notice board like thing for notes,quotes and picture that make me smile.With that being said I went out and got a few things:

Things I used.Oh and spray paint!!!
So first I started off with the push pins.I didn't like the colours that they came in soooo I got all of the white pins and stuck them in the top of a shoe box and attack them with purple spray paint.

Sorry the filter changed the colour of the pins they are purple.  
Next I made a duck tape bow.It took me 3 times to make it look nice.

Then I added all the things together.I put ribbon around the boarder,Added the bow on one of the corners.Put all my quote and pictures up and I finished,YAY!!!!
So guys I really hope you enjoyed this post.It was a little different to the ones I usually post and I was suppose to post it yesterday but other things got in the way sorry!!!

Until next time

cocohussein <3

Sunday 5 May 2013

Things to do on a cold,rainy day.


Hey guys,Im back yay!!.Ok so I haven't posted anything in 6 days(omg :0).So today was my first day back at school :( and since it was pouring down with rain and was freezing cold.I decided why not write a blog post,so there...we....GO!


Turn on the heater.
(what I do:Turn up the heater to the highest setting)
Grab a hole lot of blankets
(What I do:Get a blanket and completely wrap myself in it)
Make a hot drink!
(What I do:Make a big glass of hot chocolate and drop half of it on  the way to the couch)

Read a book or if you're not a nerd like me a MOVIE!!
(What I do:End up sitting there for way too long forgetting that theres a thing called time!!)

Something I can't live without Social media !
(What I do:Sit on my phone for hours on youtube,instagram and watt pad)

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed my little quick post.Weather sucks right now!Hopes it better wherever you live.Hope you guys had a wonderful day and an even better week.

until next time


Wednesday 1 May 2013

Winter :(

Hi guys,So today i thought that i would do a post on winter.

I know that if any Americans or British people are reading this(probably not)winter has just finished and springs around the corner.But for us down here in New Zealand our lovely summer has ended and autumn has settled in.For me winters is a runny nose ,cold days outside and heaters!lol.I mean winter may have a few positive like netball but I think thats it.I'm not looking forward to winters dull colours.And it doesn't even snow soooo thats sad :(.I know this is a short post but I didn't know what else to write sooo yea!

Until my next post

cocohussein <3